Jenna Scott
Executive Assistant

Jenna Scott
Executive Assistant

Jenna Scott, grounded in the wholesome values of her Fort Wayne, Indiana upbringing, has cultivated a life that beautifully balances her professional aspirations with her deep commitment to family and community. Raised amidst the nurturing environment of a farming family, Jenna learned early the importance of hard work, the value of simple joys, and the strength found in close-knit relationships. These lessons from her roots have blossomed into a rich tapestry of life, guided by empathy, creativity, and a dedication to the well-being of others.

With a master's degree in Art Therapy, Jenna has harnessed her inherent artistic talents and her profound desire to aid in healing and emotional support. Her career is a reflection of her belief in the transformative power of art, coupled with her commitment to fostering strong, supportive bonds with those she helps. At home, her life is joyfully shared with her dogs, Copper and Turner, who embody the unconditional love and companionship that underpin her family-focused ethos.

Jenna's hobbies and passions extend her family values into every corner of her life. Her engagement with art and ceramics, her dedication to mental health advocacy, and her love for the great outdoors are all threads of the same fabric—each activity reinforcing her connection to the world around her and the people and pets within it. Her approach to life is holistic, nurturing her relationships while also cultivating her personal growth and professional expertise.

An admirer of diverse musical genres, Jenna's eclectic tastes underscore her open and inclusive outlook—a perspective that likely enriches her interactions within her personal and professional circles. While the specifics of her favorite movies and books are yet to be disclosed, it's clear that Jenna's choices in entertainment and literature would reflect her deep appreciation for storytelling that celebrates connection, resilience, and the human spirit.

Jenna's life is a testament to the idea that being family-focused does not limit one to the confines of traditional family structures but extends to creating a community of support, understanding, and mutual growth. Her commitment to her dogs, her passion for the outdoors, and her professional dedication all speak to a life lived with intention, love, and a profound respect for the bonds that tie us all together.

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